Dreaming of a great education? Does your pocket keep up with your dreams?

Invest in your peace of mind during your overseas education experience with our Overseas StudentCare Insurance. Our comprehensive policy goes beyond standard coverage to protect you from unforeseen challenges, ensuring a smooth and successful academic journey wherever you go.

5 Reasons For You to Consider Overseas StudentCare


Study loan

covers during holidays
during term break

Rental vehicle
excess cover


We have got your needs covered

Compare our plans in details, you’ll definitely find something that suits you
Description of Benefits Benefit Limit (Per Person Per Year1)
Accident & Health
Personal Accident - Insured adult (Maximum payable)
Covers permanent disablement or death following accidental bodily injury
Personal Accident - Insured child (< 18 years)(Maximum payable)
Covers permanent disablement or death following accidental bodily injury
Passive War Extension
Covers death or bodily injury sustained by you through war-like operations provided that you are not directly or indirectly involved in such activities
Criminal Assault
Covers accidental death or permanent disablement suffered as a result of criminal assault whilst overseas
Medical Expenses (following Accident)
Reimburses medical expenses arising from accidental bodily njury sustained overseas including treatment by a Chinese physician, physiotherapist, and chiropractor
Travel Delay
Pays S$50 for each full 6 consecutive hours if the departure of scheduled transport is delayed whilst overseas. We will pay a maximum limit of S$50 for travel delay in Singapore if the delay is in excess of 6 full consecutive hours
Baggage Delay
Pays S$50 for each full 6 consecutive hours if the insured person’s checked-in baggage is delayed whilst overseas. We will pay a maximum limit of S$50 for baggage delay in Singapore if the delay is in excess of 6 full consecutive hours
Loss of Travel Documents
Pays for the cost of replacing your travel documents whilst overseas as a result of theft, violence or natural disaster including the additional travel and hotel accommodation expenses incurred
Loss or Damage to Personal Baggage
Covers loss or damage sustained overseas to personal baggage due to theft or misdirection whilst in the care, custody, and control of a scheduled transport provider. Maximum of S$200 payable in respect of each item or set or pair of items
Hospital Visit
  • Covers the travel expenses incurred by you to return to your home country to visit your immediate family member who is hospitalised for more than 5 consecutive days
  • Covers the travel and accommodation expenses incurred by a relative or friend to visit you if you are hospitalised overseas for more than 5 consecutive days
Compassionate Visit
  • Covers the cost of travel expenses incurred by you to return to your home country in the event of the death of your immediate family member
  • Covers the cost of travel and accommodation expenses incurred by a relative or friend to assist in the repatriation arrangement of the insured’s mortal remains
Emergency Assistance
Emergency Medical Evacuation (24 hours)
In the event that you require emergency medical treatment unavailable locally, this benefit covers your medical evacuation to a more appropriate medical facility.
Liberty Helpline: (65) 6636 1131
24-hour Medical and Travel Assistance
If you require medical or travel assistance whilst overseas, you may contact Liberty Helpline: (65) 6636 1131 for 24-hour assistance anytime, anywhere
Liberty China Card
Waiver of hospital admission deposit at designated hospitals in Hong Kong, China, and Taiwan
Quarantine Following Infectious Diseases
Pay S$100 for each complete day of quarantine (up to max 14 days) whilst on a trip overseas or within 7 days upon returning to Singapore
Bail Bond Facility
Provides assistance in arranging a bail bond following your arrest for a bailable offence whilst overseas.
Liberty Helpline: (65) 6636 1131
Repatriation of Mortal Remains
Covers the cost of transporting insured’s mortal remains from the place of insured’s death to his/her home country or the cost of a local burial at the place of death
Overseas Home Guard
Covers loss or damage due to fire, natural disaster or theft (consequent upon actual forcible and violent entry of or exit from the premises) of household contents and your personal belongings including handheld devices, stored at your permanent overseas residence

Maximum payable in respect of:
  • each item or set or pair items (including handheld devices) up to S$200
  • laptop/computer/notebook up to S$1,000
Personal Liability
Insures against third-party claims for bodily injury or property damage caused by your negligence whilst overseas. Our liability for all compensation payable in respect of any one occurrence and in the aggregate shall not exceed the Benefit Limit
Rental Vehicle Excess Cover
Covers the excess or deductible which you may be legally liable to pay in respect of accidental loss or damage to a rental vehicle whilst overseas
Student Assistance
Study Interruption
Covers tuition fees paid in advance for the current semester in the event you are unable to continue your studies overseas for the remaining part of the semester due to your hospitalisation, terminal illness or death of an immediate family member
Study Loan Repayment
Covers the outstanding study loan which you are liable to pay in the event of your accidental death
Sponsor Protection
Covers the unpaid tuition fees in the event of accidental death or permanent disablement of your sponsor named in the policy, who is responsible for paying the tuition fees

1 The same limit applies for policies which are less than 1 year
The information provided here is a summary. Please refer to the actual policy wordings for the terms and conditions.

Optional Benefits

Description of Optional Benefits Option A
(Benefit Limit - Per person per year1)
Option B
(Benefit Limit - Per person per year1)
Option C
(Benefit Limit - Per person per year1)
Medical Expenses (following Accident or Illness)
Covers hospital & surgical expenses incurred due to an injury sustained or illness contracted whilst overseas
S$25,0002 S$50,0002 S$100,0002
Medical Expenses (following Accident or Illness)
Covers hospital & surgical expenses incurred due to an injury sustained or illness contracted whilst overseas
S$5,000 S$5,000 S$5,000
Medical Expenses (following Accident or Illness)
Covers hospital & surgical expenses incurred due to an injury sustained or illness contracted whilst overseas

Maximum payable in respect of:
  • Medical Expenses incurred for outpatient treatment of illness whilst overseas (Excess of S$100 per visit)
S$1,000 S$1,500 S$2,000
Study Interruption
Covers tuition fees paid in advance for the current semester in the event you are unable to continue your studies overseas for the remaining part of the semester due to your hospitalisation, terminal illness or death of an immediate family member
S$5,000 S$10,000 S$15,000

2 Aggregate Limit applicable to Medical Expenses (following Accident or Illness)
1 The same limit applies for policies which are less than 1 year
The information provided here is a summary. Please refer to the actual policy wordings for the terms and conditions.

Annual Premium
for Standard Lives only (SG$)

Duration Premium Payable Option A Option B Option C
3 months S$203.87 S$65.60 S$167.54 S$341.13
6 months S$305.81 S$152.40 S$320.94 S$600.51
1 year S$407.74 S$198.82 S$493.53 S$926.50
Family Plan4
3 months N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
6 months S$687.31 S$342.14 S$723.64 S$1,348.37
1 year S$916.41 S$489.49 S$1,102.11 S$2,084.12

4 Family refers to you, your legal spouse and up to 3 of your children
Premiums above include prevailing GST


Policy Period Discount
2 Years 5%
3 Years and Above 7.5%

3 Discount is applicable when policy is incepted for 2 years or more



You must be:

  • between 15 to 45 years of age
  • a Singapore citizen, Singapore permanent resident or foreigner holding a valid Singapore student pass
  • registered as a full-time student with an overseas educational institution or participating in a student exchange program or industrial attachment overseas as arranged by your educational institution in Singapore
Major Exclusions

This policy will not cover any loss, injury, illness, damage or legal liability arising directly or indirectly from:

  • illegal or unlawful acts
  • suicide or self-inflicted injury
  • HIV and related conditions
  • pregnancy or childbirth and related complications
  • participation in professional and/or competitive sports
  • pre-existing conditions
  • mental and nervous disorders
  • travel in, to or through Afghanistan, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Sudan, Syria, and Lebanon
Policy Owners' Protection Scheme

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us ([email protected]) or visit the GIA/LIA or SDIC websites (www.gia.org.sg or www.lia.org.sg or www.sdic.org.sg).

Choosing the Best International Student Insurance Plan for You

Empowering Your Global Learning

Enroll in Overseas StudentCare Today!